Almost exactly one year after Renegade Game Studios released Clank! In! Space!, the company will release the first expansion set. Clank! In! Space! Apocalypse! will premier at Gen Con, with general release in August.
Like the original game (see “In Space, No One Can Here You… Clank!”), players must sneak through Lord Eradikus’ base, trying to steal as much loot as they can without making too much noise and attracting the attention of the evil cyborg. As an added twist, Apocalypse! adds a wicked plot on the part of Lord Eradikus that threatens to destroy the galaxy. The players must thwart his plans, or at least steal more loot while somebody else does the heroic stopping.
Clank! In! Space! Apocalypse! includes 2 double-sided game boards, 35 small cards, 8 large cards, and a Haldos Boss marker. MSRP is $25.00. As an expansion, a copy of the base game is required to play with the new materials.
The fantasy version of Clank! received an expansion of its own in April (see “New ‘Clank! A Deck Building Adventure’ Expansion”).

In 'Clank! In! Space! Apocalypse! Expansion'
Posted by William Niebling on May 24, 2018 @ 1:29 pm CT