Gerard Way (My Chemical Romance, Doom Patrol) and Gabriel Ba (Two Brothers, Neil Gaiman's How to Talk to Girls at Parties) are returning to their award-winning creation for The Umbrella Academy: Hotel Oblivion, a seven-issue miniseries from Dark Horse Comics that kicks off October 3.
Way and Ba are joined on the project by colorist Nick Filardi and letterer Nate Piekos. In Hotel Oblivion, the members of the Umbrella Academy are scattered to the wind after the death of Sir Reginald Hargreeves.
The first The Umbrella Academy series launched in 2007 (see "Dark Horse Previews 'The Umbrella Academy'") and won an Eisner Award (see "Dark Horse, DC Top Eisners"), as well as a Harvey Award (see "2008 Harvey Awards"). Netflix optioned the property for a 10-episode series (see "Gerard Way's 'The Umbrella Academy' Comes to Netflix") starring Ellen Page, Tom Hopper, Robert Sheehan, Emmy Raver-Lampman, David Castaneda, Aidan Gallagher (see "Bryan Fuller Exits 'American Gods,' 'Umbrella Academy,' 'Scalped,' 'MST3K,' 'Black Lightning' Debut"), and Mary J. Blige (see "Mary J. Blige Goes to the 'Umbrella Academy'"). The series is expected to air sometime this year.
Click on the Gallery for preview images.

Miniseries from Gerard Way and Gabriel Ba
Posted by Betsy Gomez on July 11, 2018 @ 6:47 pm CT