Gale Force Nine (GF9) has unveiled a new round of localized language editions of Dungeons & Dragons Fifth Edition for residents of Brazil, Poland, Russia, and Korea that will debut in Q2.
GF9 partnered with Wizards of the Coast in 2017 to translate Dungeons & Dragons Fifth Edition into multiple languages and oversee local market partnerships (see “Parlez-Vous 'D&D'?”). The first editions were for French, German, Italian, and Spanish. A Portuguese edition for Brazil was also in the works, but was delayed due to a licensing dispute (see “GF9 Delays Brazilian Language Release of 'D&D'”).
Now GF9 has partnered with local companies in Poland (Rebel), Brazil (Galapagos Jogos), Russia (Hobby World), and Korea (TRPG Club) to bring the D&D Starter Set, Players Handbook, Monster Manual and Dungeon Masters Guide to players in their native languages. The companies will also oversee translation of GF9’s licensed D&D products including Spell Cards and the Dungeon Master Screen.
More information will be posted on the local partner’s websites about specific release dates in the coming months.
See covers of Russian, Korean, Polish, and Portuguese books in the Gallery below!

Gale Force Nine Unveils Covers, Release Date
Posted by Nicole Bunge on December 21, 2018 @ 10:33 pm CT