The Digimon Card Game was created by designer Ryan Miller and it features new mechanics. The core element of the game is “raising” and “evolving” Digimon from the Digi Egg stage up to their Ultimate Form by melding stacks of cards. As the Digimon develop, they retain the abilities from previously played cards. The game also uses a “Memory Gauge” mechanic in which players share a turn gauge between them, adjusting it as the cost for playing cards. When the gauge crosses the midpoint, play switches over to the opponent.
The new game was released in Japan in April, and the Japanese version has had three booster sets to date. All of the cards in those booster sets will be released in English between Release Special Booster Ver.1.0 releasing in January and Ver.1.5 scheduled for February. The January launch will also include three pre-built starter decks: Gaia Red, Cocytus Blue, and Heaven’s Yellow. Each starter deck comes with 54 cards, 2 memory gauges, and a Ver.1.0 booster pack and has an MSRP of $9.99.
The Digimon Card Game Release Special Booster Ver.1.0 set will be sold in 12-card booster packs. It will include a total of 187 different card types, with 69 common, 50 uncommon, 45 rare, 20 super rare, and 3 secret rare cards. Each booster will have an MSRP of $3.99. Boosters will be packaged in 24-pack displays, and there will be 2 box topper promo cards in each display. 10 parallel Tamer Cards and 6 special promo cards will also appear in some packs.To support the retail launch, Bandai is offering stores an opportunity to pre-register for a “Super Pre Sale” promotion that will occur in January prior to the general release of the game.
Previous Digimon games include the Digimon Card Game Alpha (see “Digimon Re-Launch in Japan”) and Digimon Fusion (see “‘Digimon Fusion’ CCG”).