GAMA plans to expand its holiday gift program, piloted in 2020 (see "GAMA Launches Toys for Tots Promotion"), this year, the organization announced. The program allows customers buying games at local game stores during the holiday season to buy a second copy of the same game at 50% off and have it immediately donated to the local Toys for Tots. The program is supported by publishers that provide the games at 50% off wholesale to participating GAMA retailers.
GAMA is launching the program earlier this year in order to build on the success of the 2020 program, which had nearly 20 publishers, dozens of stores, and hundreds of consumers participate. It is currently soliciting publisher participation, and will begin collecting sign-ups from retailers that want to participate on April 30. The in-store program is expected to run from November 1 to approximately December 10.
The program will once again have a unified marketing campaign, logo, and theme coordinated by GAMA.

A Game on Every Table with Toys for Tots
Posted by Milton Griepp on April 16, 2021 @ 3:34 am CT