Ian Brody, designer of Quartermaster General and War of the Ring, previewed three upcoming Ares Games releases at their Gen Con booth.
Quartermaster General: East Front was the first game Brody showed to ICv2. This game was originally announced back in February 2023 (see "'East Front'"), and is a two-player Quartermaster General card-driven simulation of the battle between the Soviet Union and Germany during World War II. It was originally scheduled for August 2023, but the release date was pushed back to October 2023.
Brody also gave ICv2 a look at Kings of Middle-earth (see "War of the Ring 2E' Board Game") and Fire & Swords, which are both expansions for War of the Ring - The Card Game. Kings of Middle-earth introduces Sovereigns and Dark Chieftains and adds Theoden, Denethor, Dain, Brand, and Thranduil to the game. It will hit stores in Q4 2023. Fire & Swords is the newly announced fourth expansion that includes new scenarios and allows up to six players to play the game. It also adds 60 faction cards, 9 new paths, 9 new battlegrounds, and 13 Skirmishes, a new type of battleground. This expansion will arrive in Spring 2024.
Click on Gallery below for full-size images of the games and the Kings of Middle-earth card images!

'Quartermaster General East Front' and Two 'War of the Ring' Expansions; Exclusive Card Images
Posted by Jeffrey Dohm-Sanchez on August 9, 2023 @ 11:08 am CT