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Crucial Meeting this Thursday
May 8, 2001
In an interview with ICv2, a spokesperson for the CMAA was very surprised to hear about Marvel's talk of pulling out of the association, especially since all the publishers had agreed to a meeting on Thursday, May 11th
Over-all Numbers Solid
May 3, 2001
All of Marvel's X-books except Ultimate took substantial jumps in sales between April and May, reflecting new creative teams...
May 1, 2001
Several alert readers have emailed ICv2 about our story, 'X-Force #116 To Be Non-Code.' In the story we quoted Marvel's assertion that this was the first mainstream Marvel Superhero comic to go without the Code's seal of approval since the 1970s. Our readers immediately asked us, 'what about those Garth Ennis-penned Punisher books? They weren't code approved, were they?'
Switch Will Take Effect in July
April 25, 2001
Just as Marvel has moved its bookstore distribution from LPC to Diamond, ICv2 has learned that Dark Horse is moving from Penguin to LPC for its exclusive bookstore distribution. Though no press release has been issued as of yet, we've been told that the switch will take effect on July 27, 2001. With its extensive backlist of comic trade paperback titles (only DC's is bigger) Dark Horse is a comic industry leader in bookstore sales.
Marvel Switches from LPC
April 25, 2001
At today's Marvel news conference, Marvel President Bill Jemas announced the renewal of Marvel's agreement with Diamond Comic Distributors to continue Diamond's exclusive distribution of Marvel titles in the direct market. In addition, the two companies agreed that Diamond would also represent Marvel's trade paperbacks in the traditional bookstore marketplace.
Also Renews Direct Exclusive
April 25, 2001
Marvel President Bill Jemas announced at a press conference today, April 25, that Marvel will continue its relationship with Diamond as exclusive direct market distributor and will also expand the relationship so that Diamond will handle Marvel's trade paperback business to bookstores as well as the direct market.
First Marvel Title Since the 70s
April 27, 2001
Marvel has announced that X-Force #116 , the first issue written by Peter Milligan and illustrated by Mike Allred, will not carry the Comics Code Authority's seal of approval. This is the first time that this has happened since way back in the 1970s when a Stan Lee-penned issue of Spider-Man took on the issue of drugs.
And Other Info from Marvel's Annual Report
April 22, 2001
Marvel's 2000 Annual Report is now available, and there's information on a number of key issues for pop culture retailers , among them the importance of direct sales to pop culture stores to Marvel's publishing operations and business as a whole. Marvel's direct sales are critical to its publishing, but publishing remains a small part of the overall picture for Marvel since it was folded into Toy Biz 1998.
Monday, April 23rd
April 19, 2001
Stan Lee will make a guest appearance on the Home Shopping Network this coming Monday, April 23rd at 11:00 PM (Eastern Time). Dynamic Forces is presenting a 'Marvel 40th Anniversary' program, and highlighting forty years of Marvel art with a series of lithographs. Stan will be signing lithographs during the show.
Tops the Book Section
April 16, 2001
Ken Tucker reviewed J. Michael Stracynski's first issue of Spider-Man ( Amazing Spider-Man #30) in the April 20th issue of Entertainment Weekly , on newsstands this week. The review, which leads off the 'Books Section' (page 66) is quite favorable and includes a sample panel of art from John Romita, Jr.
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