Kids Comics, Movies, Marvel's 2010
December 10, 2009
We talked to Marvel publisher Dan Buckley in our annual interview on the state of the market, Marvel’s year, and its plans for the future. In Part 2, we talk about kids comics, movies and graphic novels, and Marvel’s 2010.
State of the Market, Pricing, Digital
December 10, 2009
We talked to Marvel publisher Dan Buckley in our annual interview on the state of the market, Marvel’s year, and its plans for the future. In Part 1, we talk about the state of the market, comic pricing, and digital and motion comics.
'No Way We Could Participate in the Promotion'
December 13, 2009
Rembert Parker of Reader Copies in Anderson, Indiana read the recent article regarding DC's sucessful Blackest Night Ring Promotion and had this to say.
Column by Steve Bennett
December 8, 2009
This week, Steve Bennett looks at the reasons why comic fans may migrate to downloads sooner rather than later, the premium he'd like to see in the wake of DC's Blackest Night rings promotion, how his dream came true.
Quarterly Will Debut Next Summer
December 8, 2009
IDW Publishing is reviving the legendary Famous Monsters of Filmland magazine as a quarterly.
By Scarlet Fire Entertainment
December 8, 2009
Scarlet Fire Entertainment has optioned Dare Comics’ The Hunter for the big screen.
Incentive Boosts 'Darkest Night' Titles
December 8, 2009
Thanks to an innovative promotion all the Blackest Night tie-in titles posted sales increases in November.
New Original GN Series
December 7, 2009
DC has announced two new series of original graphic novels , Superman: Earth One and Batman: Year One .
Graphic Novel's Slide Continues
December 7, 2009
Sales of periodical comic books through Diamond Comic Distributors were up 12% over sales in November of 2008.
'Chew' Tops GN Chart
December 7, 2009
Thanks largely to the success of its Blackest Night event, DC dominated the top ten once again.