From Running Press in October
June 2, 2008
Running Press is publishing The DC Vault: A Museum-in-a-Book ($49.95) in October.
First Issue of 'The Stand' in September
June 1, 2008
Marvel Comics has announced a licensing agreement with Doubleday for an adaptation of King’s The Stand.
Retailers Should Encourage Pull Lists
June 2, 2008
Katharine Kan, a graphic novel and manga reviewer and library consultant in Panama City, Florida, saw the retailer comments about Steve Bennett’s column, and says less popular titles are often worthwhile and retailers should encourage the use of pull lists.
Grateful For Upcoming Collection
June 2, 2008
Buddy Saunders of Lone Star Comics in Arlington , Texas , saw the news about the Scorchy Smith collection and is grateful that IDW is publishing it.
In Down BEA
June 1, 2008
Floor traffic was light at the recently concluded Book Expo America at the Los Angeles Convention Center , but graphic novels were a bright spot.
In Spring '09 From Abrams
June 1, 2008
Denis Kitchen informed ICv2 that he has turned in the final manuscript and visual materials for The Art of Harvey Kurtzman.
A Sold-Out Success
June 1, 2008
The first ever Graphic Novel Breakfast at Book Expo America was a resounding, sold-out success.
Celebrating the Golden Age Comics Legends
May 29, 2008
Titan Publishing has announced the acquisition of the rights to a series of books on the life and work of Joe Simon.
Deep Discounting The Real Problem
June 1, 2008
Derek Garrison of Talon Comics in Denton, Texas saw the news about the early release of D&D 4th Edition from some vendors and says a more important problem is deep discounting from businesses like Amazon.
Orders For Pull Customers
June 1, 2008
Barry Branvold of Barry's Collectors Corner in Grand Forks , North Dakota saw Steve Bennett’s recent column about low selling series and says retailers should place orders for their pull customers and leave it at that.