Results 1490-1500 of 1503
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Post-holiday Sales Trends Start To Emerge
March 4, 2001
A first look at the ICv2 Top Ten Cool lists for January shows a return to more traditional buying patterns after the holiday season. This trend has been reinforced by a change in the Top Ten Cool format here at ICV2.
Stakes Domain Claim
February 17, 2001
Warner Brothers has registered the domain name ''
Fox Kids on the Move?
February 17, 2001
Fox affiliates are pushing the network to move the Fox Kids block back from its current 3pm to 5pm position to 2pm-4pm.
Videogames, Manga To Follow
February 17, 2001
Bakuten Shoot Beyblade is a new animated series that debuted on Japanese television on January 8 th .
Ultraman Returns
February 6, 2001
4Kids Entertainment, the American licensee and packager of Pokemon, announced the production of three Japanese series for the American market.
SundayTimes Decries Cartoon Violence
February 1, 2001
An article by Jim Rothenberg sensationally entitled 'A Wave of Violence Engulfs Children's Cartoon Programs' graced the front page of the Sunday, January 28 th New York Times.
2001 Movies with Merchandising Potential
May 1, 2001
Here's a list of what appear to be, at this moment, the best merchandising opportunities among 2001 movie releases.
DBZ Still #1
January 31, 2001
Just a week after it debuted on the Cartoon Network, the anime Outlaw Star reached #54 on the Lycos chart of computer searches for the week ending January 20, 2001.
Diamond VP-Marketing Talks Markets and Trends for 2001
February 1, 2001
We asked Fletcher what the new trends for 2001 would be. Find out what he said.
Dragonball Nearly Takes it all
February 6, 2001
Internet users looking for information about their favorite interests searched for Dragonball more than any other topic except Britney Spears in 2000, according to the Lycos 50 top searches for 2000.
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