Sales Estimates for October Based on Diamond Indexes and Publisher Title Data
November 15, 2004
These are estimates of the sales on graphic novels by Diamond U.S. to comic specialty stores during October 2004.
Identity Crisis Remains Strong
November 15, 2004
More c om ic titles showed growth in sales in October than in September, with nine of the top 25 c om ics, eight Marvels and one DC, growing vs. their previous month sales.
Atomika, with Alex Ross Cover
November 14, 2004
Speakeasy Comics has announced its first title, Atomika , which will ship in March.
Joins First Issue Third Printing
November 11, 2004
DC Comics has announced a second printing of Green Lantern: Rebirth #2, which will street December 1st.
And Graphic Novels
November 10, 2004
This week's Entertainment Weekly reviews three graphic novels and three comic series, offering retailers an opportunity to capitalize on the positive publicity.
'There at the Beginning'
November 10, 2004
Dave Lillard, formerly of Fantasy Emporium in Marquette, Michigan and currently a convention and eBay dealer, saw our 1994 interview with Ed Shukin on the history of the direct comic market and shares his recollections of the era.
November 10, 2004
Beau Smith of IDW Publishing saw Steven Bates' latest 'I Think I Can Manage' column, titled 'Remember When,' and echoes the feelings expressed in it.
To Launch in March
November 9, 2004
Adam Fortier has announced the formation of Speakeasy Comics, which will release its first (unnamed) title(s) in March, 2005.
Column by Steven Bates
November 9, 2004
This week's column is on the retailing of memories.
Interview with Ed Shukin
November 8, 2004
In 1994, Internal Correspondence interviewed Ed Shukin, a key figure in the history of the comics business. Here is Part 2.