Results 16570-16580 of 17109
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Levittown, Pennsylvania
May 9, 2002
Third prize in the Movie Moolah Display Contest goes to Wade's Video & Comic Madness, located in Levittown, Pennsylvania.
Fairborn, Ohio
May 9, 2002
The Bookery Fantasy shop, located in Fairborn, Ohio, snagged the second prize in the Movie Moolah Display Contest.
Toronto, Canada
May 9, 2002
The first place prize in the Movie Moolah Display Contest goes to one of North America's oldest comics and collectibles store--Silver Snail Comics, located in Toronto, Canada.
Silver Snail, Bookery Fantasy, Wade???s Video & Comic Madness
May 9, 2002
ICv2 is proud to announce the winners of our Movie Moolah Display Contest.
Comic Stores Stay Diamond
May 8, 2002
Diamond Comic Distributors has added another exclusive publisher to the growing list of companies that it represents to mainstream bookstores as well as comic shops.
'Way To Rain on Everybody's Parade'
May 7, 2002
Marvel EIC Joe Quesada has released a statement in response to retailer Brian Hibbs' class action lawsuit against Marvel.
Great, What's Next?
May 6, 2002
Tim Davis, owner of Alternate Reality in Chicago, Illinois, said of FCBD in his store, 'I saw 3 to 4 times the number of bodies that I normally see on a Saturday.'
More Retailers Bullish on FCBD
May 6, 2002
C orbit Wilkins, president of Captain Comics, Inc., Boise, Meridian, and Idaho Falls, ID, said, ' On Saturday, our stores sold over double our normal sales.'
It Didn't Work Here
May 6, 2002
Ron Savino of Ron's Collectors World and Jim Schifeling from Acme Comics share thoughts on how FCBD didn't work out at their stores.
Tie to the Movies More Closely
May 6, 2002
Anthony Furfferi from Empire Comics, Rochester, NY: 'My take is the promotion should have been tied into the release of the Spider-Man movie. Let's face it, that's what the hype really was about.'
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