Results 16580-16590 of 17180
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Retro Toon Triumphs
June 15, 2002
Warner Brothers' live action version of the Scooby Doo animated series earned an estimated $56.4 million at the box office in its debut weekend.
'Another Mistake'
June 15, 2002
Tim Marks of Friendly Frank's Comic Cavern noted that Bill Rosemann's response to a criticism of Marvel pricing referred to 'Marvel info,' which led Marks to comment on how he thinks Marvel's new solicitation policy is going to impact sales.
Diamond Knocks Off Two More
June 14, 2002
Antarctic Press and G.T. Labs have separately named Diamond their exclusive distributor to the bookstore market.
Plus Retro, Spider-Man
June 12, 2002
For the first time in May, collectible miniatures games dominated our Top 10 Cool game products, powered by the performance of the superhero-themed Marvel HeroClix CMG.
To Lead Push into Bookstores
June 12, 2002
Kuo-Yu Liang is leaving his position as an Associate Publisher for Ballantine Books at the end of this month to join Diamond Comic Distributors, where he will spearhead Diamond's drive into the book trade.
Comics Remain Non-Exclusive
June 12, 2002
Diamond Comic Distributors has just reached an agreement with El Capitan Books, which names Diamond as the exclusive distributor of the publisher's English language books to the bookstore and library markets.
Retro Tidal Wave Continues
June 12, 2002
Now comes word that Mattel has licensed a He-Man & the Masters of the Universe comic as well as notification that a new He-Man cartoon series will debut on the Cartoon Network in August.
He Hates Demand Without Supply
June 10, 2002
Robert Scott of Comickaze in San Diego, California had a strong reaction to last week's Marvel press conference on The Call of Duty: The Brotherhood #1 and related topics. He feels that Marvel's policies hurt its own sales.
First Two Issues Should Be Returnable
June 10, 2002
Jim Brown of Midwest Comics and Collectibles in Quincy, Illinois feels that the impact of the delayed shipping on Dark Knight Strikes Again #3 is not confined to that issue; it also affects sales on the first two issues of the mini-series.
Patterned after Shonen Jump
June 9, 2002
Viz Communications, Inc. and Shueisha Inc. have announced that they are launching a new mass market boys magazine in the US based on Shueisha's Shonen Jump .
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