As Dr. Martin Stein
October 9, 2014
Dr. Martin Stein is the latest DC character in first season of The Flash .
Scratch & Sniff Technology Comes to Comics
October 9, 2014
Scratch and sniff comic comes with pot leaf warning.
For Development as a TV Series
October 8, 2014
TV series featuring Beau Smiths two-fisted hero is in development.
Image Comic Series By Frank Barbiere & Chris Mooneyham
October 8, 2014
Syfy has nabbed the rights to the Image Comic series Five Ghosts .
Final Issue of Joe Casey's Homage to King Kirby
October 8, 2014
Grant Morrison joins the ranks of the guest artists on Captain Victory #6.
Column by Steve Bennett
October 8, 2014
This week, Bennett looks at the impact of streaming on animation.
Lower Court Ruling Will Stand
October 7, 2014
Another win for Warners as lower court ruling will stand.
'Worlds Unite' Set for Spring 2015
October 7, 2014
Crossover will run through the Sonic the Hedgehog and Mega Man titles.
Book Solicitation Copy Indicates It Might
October 7, 2014
Book solicitation indicates Fantastic Fou r comic will end with #645.
New '007' Comic Books in 2015
October 7, 2014
Dynamite Entertainment launching 007 comics in 2015.