Results 9120-9130 of 10193
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Website Up Now--Announcement Coming
September 13, 2004
Don't look now but former Marvel honcho Bill Jemas appears to be planning a return to publishing.
In Liquidation
September 12, 2004
According to a notice received by GCO, LLC, the parent of, CrossGen has received a single offer of $500,000 for 'substantially all' of its assets after attempting to sell the company both before and after its bankruptcy filing to approximately 40 companies and individuals.
501 Comics on 10 CD-Roms
September 8, 2004
Topics Entertainment is preparing to release The Amazing Spider-Man Fortieth Anniversary Collection .
Out in Q4
September 1, 2004
Genio Cards will ship its new Marvel release, Spider-Man Wild Kingdom in the fourth quarter of 2004.
Two DC Comics Projects Involved
August 31, 2004
David Goyer has signed a one-year, first-look writing, producing, and directing deal with Warner Bros.
Starting October 1
August 30, 2004
Confirming a story that ICv2 broke three weeks ago on August 10th, Marvel Comics announced today that Diamond Book Distributors will become the exclusive distributor of Marvel books and graphic novels to the book trade.
Likes May
August 29, 2004
Steven Bates of Bookery Fantasy in Fairborn, Ohio saw the notice that voting is now open for the date for Free Comic Book Day 2005 and prefers May.
'Great To See'
August 29, 2004
Mike Savage of Read More Comics of Tampa, Florida saw our article on Marvel adding he Comic Shop Locator Service Link to the homepage and likes it, but first has a 'rant' on subs.
In Upper Right Hand Corner
August 26, 2004
Marvel Comics is promoting the Comic Shop Locator Service by including a CSLS field in the upper right hand corner of its Website.
And Loses a Director
August 25, 2004
David Self has been signed to rewrite the Deathlok script.
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