Results 920-930 of 1283
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'Mother Nature vs. The Mother of Invention'
March 15, 2012
Grant Morrison discusses his work on Dinosaurs vs. Aliens .
Yields New Footage
March 15, 2012
Hawkeye and Maria Hill speak in this action-packed trailer.
Another Expensive Flop?
March 13, 2012
Will Taylor Kitsch star in the two biggest bombs of 2012?
His Comic Art Had a Huge Influence
March 11, 2012
One of the most influential comic artists in history has died.
Things Could Get Sticky
March 7, 2012
The phenom behind Chronicle is in talks to direct a Venom movie.
Plus 'Bravoman'
March 5, 2012
Here are three more Webcomics for the ShiftyLook site.
From Penguin
February 24, 2012
Diamond has signed a deal with Penguin Books UK for Doctor Who .
Battle for the Cosmic Cube
February 13, 2012
Battle for the cosmic cube in the new Avengers board game.
New Series From the Company That Rebooted 'V'
February 13, 2012
The company that rebooted V is back with Space: 2099 .
Pointy-Eared, Big-Chinned Aliens in 'The Avengers'
February 13, 2012
It sure looks like Skrulls in the Avengers board game.
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