Results 10-20 of 302
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Sales Rankings (Units and Dollars) Based on Comic Store POS Data
August 3, 2021
These are unit and dollar sales rankings based on sales tracked at point-of-sale by the ComicHub system at stores selling American comics around the world.
Sales Rankings (Units and Dollars) Based on Comic Store POS Data
June 3, 2021
These are unit and dollar sales rankings based on sales tracked at point-of-sale by the ComicHub system at stores selling American comics around the world.
Sales Rankings (Units and Dollars) Based on Comic Store POS Data
March 9, 2021
These are unit and dollar sales rankings based on sales tracked at point-of-sale by the ComicHub system at stores selling American comics around the world.
Sales Rankings (Units and Dollars) Based on Comic Store POS Data
December 15, 2020
These are unit and dollar sales rankings based on sales tracked at point-of-sale at stores selling American graphic novels around the world.
With Original Creators
September 18, 2018
Netflix announced plans for a live-action Avatar: The Last Airbender series helmed by the original showrunners.
July 2nd, 2010
April 15, 2008
Paramount has designated July 2nd, 2010 as the premiere date for The Last Airbender.
Sales Rankings (Units and Dollars) Based on Comic Store POS Data
November 2, 2021
These are unit and dollar sales rankings based on sales tracked at point-of-sale by the ComicHub system at stores selling American comics around the world.
Sales Rankings (Units and Dollars) Based on Comic Store POS Data
July 12, 2021
These are unit and dollar sales rankings based on sales tracked at point-of-sale by the ComicHub system at stores selling American comics around the world.
Sales Rankings (Units and dollars) Based on Comic Store POS Data
April 9, 2021
These are unit and dollar sales rankings based on sales tracked at point-of-sale by the ComicHub system at stores selling American comics around the world.
Sales Rankings (Units and Dollars) Based on Comic Store POS Data
January 6, 2021
These are unit and dollar sales rankings based on sales tracked at point-of-sale by the ComicHub system at stores selling American comics around the world.
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