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Sales Rankings Based on Comic Store POS Data
January 4, 2024
These are unit and dollar sales rankings based on sales tracked at point-of-sale by the ComicHub system at stores selling American graphic novels (and manga) around the world.
Sales Rankings Based on Comic Store POS Data
December 8, 2023
These are unit and dollar sales rankings based on sales tracked at point-of-sale by the ComicHub system at stores selling American graphic novels (and manga) around the world.
The Heyday of 'Comics Buyer's Guide'
December 8, 2023
Thompson discusses her years as the editor of the Comics Buyer's Guide.
'Five Nights at Freddy's' Gives 'Dog Man' Some Competition
December 4, 2023
There are as many Five Nights at Freddy's titles as there are Dog Man books on the November chart.
Sales of the Top 20 Up from Last Year
December 4, 2023
Sales of the Top 20 graphic novels ticked up a bit from November 2022.
Diamond Expands in a Turbulent Market
November 20, 2023
Diamond Comics Distributors expanded, acquired other distributors, and successfully weathered the comics crash of the 1990s.
'The Baby-Sitter's Club' Is #1
November 7, 2023
The latest volume of The Baby-Sitter's Club (#14: Stacey's Mistake) , topped the chart.
Flat Sales: A Win for 2023
November 7, 2023
Unit sales of the Top 20 Kids graphic novels were nearly the same in 2023 as they were in 2022.
Superhero, Manga, Author, Kids
October 23, 2023
This chart of the ICv2 Top 10 Graphic Novel Franchises in four categories (Superhero, Author, Kids, and Manga) reflects sales in all trade channels for Summer (May – August) 2023.
New Volumes of Ongoing Series Bring Variety
October 10, 2023
The chart has a different look in September, as readers snap up the latest volume of favorite series.
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