Results 3480-3490 of 3552
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Buffy Thespian Mobbed by Teens
August 5, 2001
James Marsters, who plays 'Spike' on the popular Buffy the Vampire Slayer television series drew huge crowds of teenage girls for his signing session and Q & A at Gen Con on Sunday.
Get Free Stuff, Win Great Prizes
August 5, 2001
ICv2 is launching its 'Grow with Shojo' promotion today, which includes free point of purchase materials for retailers, a display contest with major prizes, and information on how to market the fastest-growing products.
$3000 First Prize, $2000 Second Prize, $1000 Third Prize
August 5, 2001
ICv2's 'Grow with Shojo' Display Contest is a great way for retailers to expand merchandising to female consumers--a rapidly growing consumer segment in pop culture stores.
Total Value over $1000!
August 5, 2001
Here's a list of the great prizes for the store that wins Third Place in our Shojo Display Contest. The total value is over $1000!!
Total Value Over $2000!!
August 5, 2001
Here's a list of the great prizes for the store that wins Second Place in our Shojo Display Contest. The total value is over $1900!!
Total Value Over $3000!!
August 4, 2001
This is a listing of all of the great stuff available to the store that wins our Shojo Display Contest. The total value of these prizes is over $3,100, and it could all be yours.
Selling Above Retail on Ebay
July 31, 2001
Pioneer's Akira Special Edition DVD, Limited Edition Tin is sold out at the wholesale level just one week after its release. Diamond Comic Distributors, which took a major position on the product, reported to ICv2 that as of 4 p.m. CDT today, they had fewer than ten Akira tins left in inventory.
Second Biggest 3-Day Opening in History
July 29, 2001
Tim Burton's 're-imagining' of Planet of the Apes reinvigorated the flagging summer box office trends by taking in almost $70 million during its first three days.
DVD Rules!
July 24, 2001
The retailer sales numbers that ICv2 has collected for June continue to display the trends that we have seen over the past six months.
Safe Area Gorazde Wins Best Graphic Album
July 21, 2001
Alan Moore, Tony Millionaire, Chris Ware, P. Craig Russell, and Jill Thompson all won multiple Eisner Awards...
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