Results 170-180 of 628
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Sales Estimates Based on Diamond Indexes and Publisher Title Data
April 28, 2022
These are estimates of graphic novels sales by Diamond Comic Distributors U.S. to comic specialty stores during February 2022.
One Chainsaw to Rule Them All
February 4, 2022
Seven volumes of Chainsaw Man make that series the most prominent on the first Top 20 of the new year.
Teasing Out the Trends
November 10, 2021
There's plenty of food for thought on the lists of the top 20 Author, Manga, and Superhero graphic novels.
Year Over Year Growth Continues
November 5, 2021
Sales are up sharply from this month last year – as has been the case for all of 2021.
New Releases Fill the Superhero Chart
October 20, 2021
The first observation to be made about the Superhero Top 20 is how many of the titles are new releases.
Superheroes Make the Chart After a Long Absence
October 13, 2021
For the first time in 2021, a superhero title cracked the chart of the Top 20 Adult graphic novels in the book channel.
Huge Month Breaks Month-Over-Month Trends
October 13, 2021
September 2021 was a huge month for adult graphic novel sales, breaking typical month-over-month trends for the transition to fall.
Readers Snap Up New Superhero and Author Books
August 12, 2021
Manga readers are still doing deep dives into older series, but new Superhero and Author titles popped up in July.
Sales Rankings (Units and Dollars) Based on Comic Store POS Data
July 12, 2021
These are unit and dollar sales rankings based on sales tracked at point-of-sale by the ComicHub system at stores selling American comics around the world.
Superheroes on a Roller Coaster, Manga on a Roll, a Good Month for Author Titles
June 9, 2021
Superheroes were on a roller coaster, manga was on a roll, and it was a good month for Author graphic novels in the book channel.
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