Results 110-120 of 164
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Movie Tie-ins, Insta-Comics, Digital Manga
May 12, 2021
A movie tie-in(!), comics from Instagram, and the impact of digital manga show up among the bestselling graphic novels by category for April.
A Hat Trick for Tynion; Manga Readers Dive Deep
April 13, 2021
James Tynion IV has three titles across two charts, and manga readers are diving deep into series they're starting.
High March Sales Play Out Differently in Different Categories
April 13, 2021
The question for our deeper dive is whether categories other than manga saw robust sales as well.
A Near Sweep for Manga
April 8, 2021
Manga's domination of book channel adult graphic novel sales continued in March, with a near sweep of the top 20.
Shoppers Reach for New on the Adult Chart; Kids Stick to Tried-and-True
May 14, 2024
The Adult chart has a number of new releases on it, while the Kids chart has only one.
Top Sellers Stay Strong But Others Falter
May 14, 2024
Year over year sales were down despite strong sales at the top of each chart.
Sales Rankings Based on Comic Store POS Data
March 6, 2024
These are unit and dollar sales rankings based on sales tracked at point-of-sale by the ComicHub system at stores selling American graphic novels (and manga) around the world.
Superhero, Author, and Kids
March 5, 2024
This chart of the top Superhero, Author, and Kids graphic novel franchises reflects sales in the bookstore and comics retail channels from September through December 2023.
Upcoming Anime and Movies Based on Manga
February 15, 2024
Here’s a look at some upcoming anime shows and films that are adapted from licensed manga.
Superhero, Manga, Author, Kids
October 23, 2023
This chart of the ICv2 Top 10 Graphic Novel Franchises in four categories (Superhero, Author, Kids, and Manga) reflects sales in all trade channels for Summer (May – August) 2023.
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