Results 80-90 of 691
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Sales Rankings Based on Comic Store POS Data
January 3, 2024
These are unit and dollar sales rankings based on sales tracked at point-of-sale by the ComicHub system at stores selling American comics around the world.
Digital Comics News Round-Up
December 14, 2023
We round up news on the digital comics front, in the post-comiXology world.
Sales Rankings Based on Comic Store POS Data
December 8, 2023
These are unit and dollar sales rankings based on sales tracked at point-of-sale by the ComicHub system at stores selling American graphic novels (and manga) around the world.
Sales Rankings Based on Comic Store POS Data
December 8, 2023
These are unit and dollar sales rankings based on sales tracked at point-of-sale by the ComicHub system at stores selling American graphic novels (and manga) around the world.
Sales Rankings Based on Comic Store POS Data
December 7, 2023
These are unit and dollar sales rankings based on sales tracked at point-of-sale by the ComicHub system at stores selling American comics around the world.
Broad Range of Author and Superhero Titles; Manga Sticks to Tried and True
December 6, 2023
A wide variety of different types of stories characterized both the Author and Superhero charts, but Manga shoppers stuck with familiar titles.
Authors, Manga Down; 'Superheroes' Up
December 6, 2023
Sales were down on the Author and Manga charts, but the Superhero category was up.
New 'TMNT,' New Manga, and the Return of 'The Mysteries'
December 1, 2023
Two new manga volumes topped the chart, a new TMNT graphic novel debuts in the Top 20, and The Mysteries sticks around for a second month.
Tough Month for the Top 20
December 1, 2023
Year over year sales of the Top 20 titles dropped sharply.
Portion of the Proceeds will be Donated to Tabletop Gaymers Nonprofit
November 27, 2023
FanRoll by Metallic Dice Games will release Rainbow Flag gaming accessories into retail.
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