A mistake in which the Prefectural Earth Defense Force OAV was mentioned (though no sell sheet was included) in ADV's monthly mailing to distributors for April led to a minor controversy in the anime market when the DVD was listed by Right Stuf and Amazon. Produced in 1986, the Prefectural Earth Defense Force OAV is of interest primarily to hardcore anime fans who might fondly remember viewing fansubbed versions of the 49-minute film, which parodies anime series that most of today's fans have never even seen. ADV's Senior Vice President of Sales Mike Bailiff told ICv2 that the company was putting out the Prefectural Earth Defense Force DVD in a subtitled-only format 'as a service to the fans.' Bailiff indicated that ADV had never planned to sell the DVD, which is priced at a lowly $12.98, to distributors, 'The only way we could make this work financially at this price point was to sell it direct to the hardcore fans who want it via our Website.'
The Right Stuf and Amazon have been informed of the situation and understand that they will not be distributing the PEDF DVD. ADV has apologized to the affected distributors for the confusion caused by the inadvertent mention of the OAV's release in the distributor mailing.