Company legal name: Tokyopop

Headquarters:  5900 Wilshire Blvd., Los Angeles, CA 90036

Phone:  323-692-6700

Fax: 323-692-6701

Website URL:

Business founded: 1996

Employees: 35+

Number of locations: 3


Consumer/Customer service contact:
Contact name: Robert Coyner

Phone: 323-692-6714

Fax: 323-642-6701

E-mail: robertc@usa-tokyopop/com

First-time retailer contact:
Contact name: Alan Payne

Phone: 323-692-6726
Fax: 323-692-6701


First-time distributor contact:
Contact name: Alan Payne
Phone: 323-692-6726

Fax: 323-692-6701



The majority of Tokyopop's products are based on licensed Japanese manga/anime properties. Their most notable properties include Cardcaptors, Corrector Yui, Final Fantasy, FMW, Gundam Wing, Harlem Beat, Magic Knight Rayearth, Sailor Moon and more. Properties that they own include Sushi Girl.



Tokyopop produces a wide range of products based on popular Japanese anime/manga and Japanese wrestling properties: comic books, graphic novels, compact discs (soundtracks) and video/dvd's. Products are sold through such channels as the specialty brick and mortar retailers, which include comic stores and video game stores and video stores; and catalogue retailers and e-commerce retailers. 


Becoming an account

Tokyopop does sell to consumers via their website. Product sales directly to retailers are not available. Retailers can purchase products through most major hobby distributors such as Diamond Comic Distributors, FM International, Cold Cut, LPC, RightStuf and a few others.



Consumer marketing: advertising in magazines and distributor catalogues. Conventions attended and a website is maintained. Trade marketing: advertising in trade magazines, online, and distributor catalogues. Trade shows attended, retailer mailings, telemarketing and e-mails also undertaken. Website features a trade area as well.



Orders are solicited in advance of manufacturing and the results are used to help gauge production quantities. Products are generally available for reorders.


Retailer sales

Retail sales are not available. Retailers can purchase Tokyopop products through various hobby distributors (i.e. Diamond Comic Dist., FM International, Coldcut, Rightstuf, etc.).