This chart of the Top Five Roleplaying Games reflects sales in August, September, and October. The chart is based on interviews with retailers, distributors, and manufacturers.
Top 5 Roleplaying Games |
1 |
Dungeons and Dragons |
Wizards of the Coast |
2 |
Warhammer 40K: Dark Heresy |
Fantasy Flight Games |
3 |
World of Darkness |
White Wolf |
4 |
Shadowrun |
Catalyst Lab Games |
5 |
Pathfinder |
Paizo Publishing |
These bestseller lists are from ICv2 Guide #61: Games. For more information on the game market last fall with a look ahead to the holiday season and beyond, see "Game Industry Cautiously Optimistic."
For the bestselling CCGs in the hobby channel, in the mass channel, and over-all click here.
For the bestselling CMGs in the hobby channel, click here.
For the bestselling board, card, and family games in the hobby channel, click here.
For the bestselling non-collectible miniature games, click here.
For more information on the release of ICv2 Guide #61: Games, and information on getting a copy, see "ICv2 Releases ICv2 Guide to Games #61."