Green Ronin's major release of 2008 will be the A Song of Ice and Fire RPG, which is based on George R.R. Martin's popular series of fantasy novels. The new game will feature a unique gaming system custom crafted to reflect the conditions of the seven kingdoms in Martin's fantasy universe, which is notable for its colorful and highly detailed medieval setting.
Green Ronin plans to provide potential customers with a taste of the A Song of Ice and Fire RPG with a free short adventure, A Song of Ice and Fire Quick Play, which will be given away at game stores participating in Free RPG Day on June 21st. The actual game itself launches in August with a full color, 192-page hardcover core rulebook followed quickly by Peril at King's Landing, an adventure designed to help gamers initiate their campaigns. Later in the fall Green Ronin will release A Song of Ice and Fire Campaign Guide, a 256-page full color hardcover, which will provide all the information necessary to create fascinating RPG campaigns and adventures set in any of the Seven Kingdoms.
A Song of Ice and Fire TV series has been announced by HBO (see 'A Song of Ice and Fire on HBO'), though it has not yet been greenlit. Fantasy Flight Games has released A Game of Thrones CCG and A Game of Thrones strategy board game, both of which are based on the first novel in Martin's series as well as a deluxe The Art of the Song of Ice and Fire volume. The now defunct game company Guardians of Order created A Game of Thrones RPG, which utilized the d20 and Tri-Stat dX rule systems. Nine months after Guardians of Order told Martin in July 2006 that no further A Game of Thrones RPG products would be released, Green Ronin acquired the RPG rights to the property.