Joss Whedon is exploiting the new media that
Whedon, who wrote the cult favorite “Once More With Feeling” musical episode for his Buffy the Vampire Slayer TV show, conceived of the Dr. Horrible project during the writers’ strike and managed to get a number of his favorite actors involved. Nathan Fillion (Serenity, Waitress) stars as the “superhero” Captain Hammer, with Neil Patrick Harris (Dougie Hauser, How I Met Your Mother) taking the role of Dr. Horrible, and Felicia Day (Buffy) providing the love interest. Judging from Dark Horse’s Dr. Horrible comic, the musical will be a superhero satire suffused with plenty of Whedon’s signature sarcasm.
Whedon has promised more Dr. Horrible comics and plans to screen the entire 3-Act musical at the San Diego Comic-Con where Dr. Horrible t-shirts will be available for his legions of fans.