In October Dynamite Entertainment is launching a new comic book series, Warlord of Mars, which is based on the exploits of Edgar Rice Burroughs’ famed creation “John Carter of Mars.” In order to create interest in the launch of this new series and attract fans new and old, Dynamite is kicking off its campaign to re-establish interest this classic action hero by releasing the full color, 32-page first issue for an introductory price of just $1.00.
Written by Arvid Nelson and drawn by Stephen (Avengers/Invaders) Sadowski, Warlord of Mars expands upon Burroughs’ classic tale by exploring the backstory and adding new elements, while keeping intact all the swordplay, daring-do, and breathless action elements that made Burroughs’ 1912 novel A Princess of Mars such an influential landmark in the development of 20th Century pulp fiction.
The first issue will sport four different covers, each created by a top tier artist. Alex Ross, Joe Jusko, J. Scott Campbell, and Lucio Parillo have each created a reason for some collectors to buy four copies of the first issue of Warlord of Mars.
Dynamite’s timing with this project appears to be spot on since a John Carter of Mars live-action movie directed by Pixar’s Andrew Stanton is currently in production, which should continue to stir up interest in the character. The film stars Taylor Kitsch, Lynn Collins, Willem Dafoe,