This Halloween will see the debut of the first-ever English language magazine devoted to the culture of Japanese live action science fiction and fantasy character toys.  The name of the publication, Super 7, refers to the seven dominant characters that have inspired huge toylines in Japan and have also had a prominent influence around the world: Godzilla, Ultraman, Gamera, Kamen Rider, Kikaida, Great Mazinga, and T-28.  Although there are numerous Japanese magazines that appeal to collectors of these classic toys, this will be the first deluxe English language magazine to pay homage to the classic 'kaiju' monsters and characters from Japanese live action science fiction and fantasy films and TV series.  With the Ultraman Tiga live action TV series an integral part of the Fox Box (see 'Kinnikuman Anime, Live Action Ultraman on Fox in the Fall'), and Bandai set to unleash a massive Godzilla toy blitz in the U.S. in November, this is a perfect time to launch a magazine like Super 7.


The magazine will be printed in a deluxe, perfect-bound 64-page format (8.25' x 10.75'), and will retail for a very reasonable $4.95 cover price.  The pages that we have seen are superbly designed (by Brian Flynn of the San Francisco-based Hybrid Design) and the entire magazine, including all advertising and articles will be full color.  Editor Mark Nagata, who has one of the largest Ultraman collections in the world, has assembled a writing staff of collectors, who know every aspect of the toys they collect.  The first issue includes articles on the history of Kikaida toys, a rundown of every Nitto Gamera Kit ever made, a definitive Bandai 6' Ultra-Kaiju chart, a column on the Micronauts, all the Godzilla ST variations, and much more.


In addition each copy of the magazine includes a response card, which if mailed in provides readers with an opportunity to obtain limited edition exclusive features.  The first 75 responses received will earn readers an exclusive version of Club-Daikaiju's 12' Gorgo and Mini Gorgo, while the next 300 responses received will earn readers an exclusive glow-in-the-dark version of the popular 10' Hedorah, the Smog Monster as seen in Godzilla vs. the Thing.  These types of exclusives have been offered in the past in Japanese magazines such as Hyper-Hobby, but these are the first magazine exclusives to be granted by a Japanese toy company to a foreign magazine.