Captain Action Enterprises, in conjunction with Gang of Seven Animation (which worked on Avengers: Earth’s Mightiest Heroes, Wolverine and the X-Men, and others), is developing an animated Captain Action series that will include Lady Action, a new female character. The series is currently being pitched to networks. The Lady Action character has begun to appear at conventions, and could eventually be used for merch as well.
Captain Action has also announced the acquisition of a DC license for costumes, which includes all the DC characters including the New 52, plus the Batman Classic characters from the 60s TV show. The first DC costumes, Batman, Joker, and Superman, will be released in late January 2014. Each of the three characters will include a portion of Aquaman’s costume, which can be assembled by buying all three DC costumes.
In the meantime, the company continues to release new Marvel retro costumes, with Iron Man and Wolverine due in September. The price point on new costumes is being brought down to around $20 retail.
And DC License
Posted by ICv2 on May 9, 2013 @ 12:27 am CT
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