"From now through release, we want to drive all pre-order business--all of the growing enthusiasm for the game--into brick-and-mortar retailers," said Charles Ryan, Monte Cook Games COO, adding that MCG pre-orders were closed more than a month ago. "The early-adopting fans have been great for getting Numenera off the ground, but it's the retail channel that will sustain this game line through the years to come."
MCG is promoting retail stores as the only way customers can currently pre-order the game, and has a convenient pre-order sheet for customers to download to take to their local game store. When a customer places a paid pre-order, they can then email MCG a scan or photo of their receipt. MCG will then email them a link and code for a free copy of the PDF version of the book they purchased, fulfilled by DriveThruRPG, which can be downloaded on or after August 1st. The retailer does not have to submit any paperwork.
Numenera and the Numenera Player’s Guide are set to release August 14th. Numenera, designed by Monte Cook, is a post-apocalyptic science fantasy RPG set a billion years in the future. Eight civilizations have risen and fallen on the Earth, leaving vestiges of their existence in a largely medieval world--The Ninth World.
The RPG is a highly anticipated property, with an extremely successful Kickstarter last August netting over $500,000 (see "Monte Cook's New RPG at over $300K"). There are a number of tie-ins to the property, including AEG’s deck-building game Numenera Thunderstone, which will release at the same time as the books; and the video game Torment: Tides of Numenera CRPG, from inXile (itself funded by a Kickstarter campaign that topped $4 million--see "'Numenera' in 'Torment' Sequel"), planned for 2015 release.