VIZ Media has announced several new manga series scheduled to release in the Fall and Winter, including Dragon Ball creator Akira Toriyama’s Jaco The Galactic Patrolman and a Resident Evil tie-in series.
The five-volume Resident Evil manga series will be launched in November under the VIZ Signature imprint. The series is a prequel to the Resident Evil 6 video game (released in 2012), with story and art by Naoki Serizawa (Saru Lock, Samurai Man). It was published as (Resident Evil) Biohazard: Marhawa Desire in Japan. Set in Singapore, story tells the origin of the highly virulent C-virus that became a global disaster. The series is rated 'M' for mature audiences and has an MSRP of $12.99.
Akira Toriyama’s Jaco The Galactic Patrolman will release in January 2015. The creator of Dragon Ball and Dragon Ball Z returns with a quirky comedy about a retired scientist living on a deserted island so he can continue to research time travel. Then galactic patrolman Jaco crash-lands on his island and decides to move in with him. The debut volume will feature new, bonus Dragon Ball Z content related to the parents of Goku. The series is rated 'T+' for older teens and has an MSRP of $9.99.
VIZ will also release the second collection of manga volumes of One Piece in One Piece Box Set 2: Skypeia and Water 7 in November. The set includes volumes 24-46, the third and fourth story arcs, as well as the "Strong World" mini-comic and a full-color double-sided poster. The set is rated 'T' for teens, and has an MSRP of $185.99.
The alien-in the-homeroom shonen action-comedy series Assassination Classroom by Yusei Matsui will launch in December. A classroom comedy story that pits a class of students against their new teacher--who happens to be an alien octopus trying to destroy the planet, but he’s also the best teacher they’ve ever had. The bi-monthly series is rated 'T+' for older teens and has an MSRP of $9.99.
VIZ also announced the acquisition of several other series this week (see "New VIZ Shojo in Q4" and "Naoki Urasawa's 'Master Keaton'").
VIZ Announces Fall/Winter Releases
Posted by ICv2 on March 5, 2014 @ 2:23 pm CT
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