The Vortex Booster expansion contains 170 cards, optimized for Booster Draft play. The set contains new Shield Blast and Evolution creature cards, as well as five new holo-foil Set Premiere promo cards. This release also introduces two new mechanics: Vortex Evolution and Clash. Vortex Evolution allows players to combine multiple creatures into new Vortex Evolution forms. The Clash mechanic can only be used with Void Spawn creatures, which are a new race of mysterious antagonists in the game. Booster Packs will contain 14 cards. The boosters will be packed 36 to a display, with six displays per case.
The Re:Volution Master Challenge Deck is a 40-card deck that includes three premium cards, a Vortex Booster Pack, a paper playmat and a quick-start guide. Displays contain eight decks, and are packed six displays to a carton.
For Wizards Play Network stores interested in hosting a Set Premiere, the kit contains 20 each of "Karstara the Warder," "Tarvox the Devourer," "Malphalgus the Tormentor," "Quetaro the Gladiator," and "Rogonite the Obliterator" holo-foil promo cards, a double-sided poster, instructions, and 10 DCI membership cards.
This release will follow the July 25th release of the Kaijudo Elite Series: Horde Onslaught deck (see "'Kaijudo Elite Series: Horde Onslaught'").