Manga Mover, a new anthology publication from Boychild Productions in the U.K., will showcase new manga ka (artists) to western audiences. The first issue of Manga Mover, a 68-page perfect bound anthology, will retail for $5.99 in the U.S. and will be solicited in Diamond's November Previews. The debut issue highlights the work of manga ka Sakura Mizuki, creator of The Spiral manga, who provides a new story that hasn't even been published in Japan yet. Another highpoint of the first issue is the first English translation of a work by female manga ka Tomoko Amemiya.
Manga Mover will feature stories with a mature level and include a mixture of mainstream and alternative/avant garde material. The book will be split into two sections, with two stories in the left-to-right western format that start in the 'front' and two in the right-to-left Japanese style, which start from the 'back' cover. At least one of the 'western' stories will typically be drawn by non-Japanese creators working in the manga style or at least heavily influenced by manga.