Attendance topped 1,400 at the GAMA Trade Show last week, according to preliminary numbers provided by GAMA Executive Director John Ward.  That’s an increase of around 100, or about 8%, vs. the 1,300 that attended the annual show in Las Vegas last year (see "Over 1,300 at GAMA Trade Show").

Over 350 stores were represented, about an 8% drop from the 380 stores that sent people last year, but still a 25% increase over 2013’s 280.  The number of retailer badges may actually have been larger than 2014’s due to a higher number of attendees per store, Ward said. 

Eighteen booths were added, bringing the exhibitor total to over 140.

Around 70 people participated in the new manufacturers track, including entrepreneurs and representatives of start-ups and other smaller game companies.  Larry Roznai of Mayfair Games was a strong proponent of the track, Ward said.

Another newer feature was the Monday designers track, which was piloted last year.  Around 70 people participated in the ten sessions (up from six last year).

Overall satisfaction with the show was high, according to ICv2’s interviews on site, with retailers and manufacturers reporting lots of successful business done at the show.