Larry Schoeneman of Hero Headquarters in Buffalo Grove, Illinois saw comments by other retailers about the current state of superheroes (see 'Buddy Saunders of Lone Star Comics on the State of Comics' and 'Gail Burt of Metropolis Comics on the State of Comics') and feels comics have sacrificed heroic ideals:
After reading both Gail Burt's and Buddy Saunders' comments on the state of comics, all I can say is, I couldn't agree more! While gritty realism is certainly appreciated in story telling, so is the heroic ideal. I feel like comics have been so focused on creating 'real' superheroes that they have in many ways sacrificed the heroic ideals that drew so many of us to them in the first place. To me, a Superman who stands for truth, justice, and the American way is so much more appealing than the constantly self doubting, ambivalent and often reluctant heroes we see in comics today.
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