Joseph  Murray of  Captain Blue Hen Comics in Newark, Delaware saw the news about the DST promotion for the Stargate Atlantis figure (see 'DST's Stargate Atlantis Promotion') and says DST needs to address past problems before he supports a new promotion:


Unfortunately the Diamond Select Toys Stargate Atlantis figure promotion is identical to the one offered for their SG-1 figures.  While the Stargate SG-1 Series 2 figures featured the mail-in offer on the packaging, by the time the figures shipped in early 2007, the offer had expired three weeks earlier.  Collectors could only participate if they had purchased multiple versions of characters from Series 1.  And, there was no way to correctly assemble the stargate because, instead of including the four distinct pieces needed, they only made three and then repeated one. 


I know that DST has been made aware of these SG-1 problems, but I am not aware of any statements made about correcting them.  Until DST makes right by my disgruntled SG-1 customers, I'm not inclined to support the Atlantis line.  It is a shame given the quality of the sculpts and the dearth of mainstream Stargate collectibles available.

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