In response to a query from TV Guide, Veronica Mars creator Rob Thomas confirmed a second meeting with DC Comics concerning the possibility of a Veronica Mars comic book series, but Thomas also noted that he had been told that the Writers' Guild of America did not want its member's writing comic book series based on network properties during the current writers' strike, because a comic book could promote a network property. Thomas, who first met with DC about a Veronica Mars comic back in June (see 'Veronica Mars Season 4 Comic'), told TV Guide that he was checking with the WGA to see 'whether there are similar hurdles for a defunct TV series like Veronica Mars. Naturally, I won't be writing it if the Guild doesn't want me to, but we're hoping that's not the case.'
So it appears that Thomas would like to continue the series in comic book form, but it also seems as if the current strike could be a serious impediment to the creation of a Veronica Mars comic -- another reason that everyone should be hoping that the strike will be settled before a property like Veronica Mars loses its momentum.