Superbia, the second comic book series arising from the partnership between Virgin Comics and the Sci Fi Channel, has been described as "Justice League moves to Wisteria Lane."  This “Desperate Superspouses” saga, created by Lisa Klink and Jordan Gorfinkle, is set in Woodshire Village, a planned community for superheroes and their significant others.  It's one of the safer enclaves in America, but is not without its secrets, scandals, mysteries and even an occasional murder that the superspouses must solve while their spandex-clad partners are commuting to bring law and order to crime-infested urban areas.


The Sci Fi Channel has already ordered a pilot episode based on the first Sci Fi/Virgin comic, Mike Carey’s The Stranded (see “Sci Fi Orders The Stranded Pilot”), and it is highly likely that Superbia will also get a shot at the small screen—but first comes the comic book series, which is expected to debut sometime this summer.