WizKids and Marvel are cooperating to incorporate a current editorial event in Marvel Comics into an upcoming HeroClix set.  HeroClix:  Secret Invasion will be released in late July, with special Secret Invasion packaging. 


WizKids, Marvel, and Diamond/Alliance are collaborating on a cross-promotion to expose customers in stores that carry only games to comics; and to expose customers in stores that carry only comics to HeroClix.  A display that will hold both HeroClix boosters and comics has been created.  Alliance Game Distributors will select 400-500 game stores that don’t currently carry comics and send them the display with ten free copies of a special HeroClix edition (carrying the HeroClix logo) of Secret Invasion #1.  Diamond Comic Distributors will select 100-200 comic stores that don’t carry HeroClix to receive the display with four free HeroClix:  Secret Invasion boosters. 


The Heroclix:  Secret Invasion release caps off a busy two-month period in which three HeroClix products are released.  Batman Boosters will release in June (see “HeroClix Batman Four Figure Booster”), and Fantastic Four Starters (which will include seven figures, six unique), in early July.