Two memorials for renowned comics retailer Rory Root (see “Rory Root, Pioneering Comics Retailer”), of Comic Relief in Berkeley, California, will be held on Saturday, June 21st.  From 11 a.m. to 4 p.m., a Root family-planned picnic will be held at Joaquin Miller Park in the Oakland Hills.  And at 7 p.m. that evening, a “celebration of the life of Rory Root” will be held at Comic Relief.


The organizers have asked for donations, noting that because of “legal concerns regarding Rory Root’s estate, Comic Relief cannot fund the memorial celebrations.”  The Comic Book Legal Defense Fund is now collecting funds on behalf of the memorials, and will benefit from any funds collected above the costs of the memorials.  Donations can be made to  Those attending the picnic are also asked to bring a dish to pass.