Marcus King of Titan Games & Comics in
In a follow up to my earlier comments about the Hillary Clinton Comic by Blue Water, I was happy to find out today that the cover of the upcoming comic book by Blue Water comics has been fixed. I was a bit chagrinned to find out the comic was already BEING fixed when I first complained. I guess the good folks at Blue Water Comics were already on the case.
Though I regret that I had complained about something that was already being dealt with -- my concern that the US Flag be properly represented is still very strong.
I wish nothing but financial success to both Blue Water and IDW in their ventures into "Politically Themed Comics." While I won't be reading them, or carrying them, that is just my personal reaction to political overload after what seems like a three-year campaign for the presidency by both political parties.
I'll be reading Blue Waters other titles, such as Ray Harryhausen Presents, and other fine titles.
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