The second volume of Tim Pilcher’s History of Erotic Comics, covering the 70s to the present, is due March 1, 2009. The new $29.95 hardcover volume will include a foreword by Alan Moore. Pilcher, with additional research by Gene Kannenberg, Jr., takes a broad worldwide focus, and includes coverage of erotic comics in America, the GBLT comics scene, UK and European erotic comics, and the Japanese hentai phenomenon. Art by Howard Cruse, Gengoroh Tagame, Melinda Gebbie, Hunt Emerson, Howard Chaykin, Giovanna Casotto, Tom of Finland, Milo Manara, Junko Mizuno, and others is included.
Meanwhile, a shipment of History of Erotic Comics Volume 1, which covered Tijuana Bibles to underground comics, has been held up at customs in Australia. The Australian government is demanding that a large sticker with the letter “M” be placed on the cover of each book, indicating that this history of erotic comics is not for children, unlike, presumably, the kids version that arrived in Australia last week.