Buddy Saunders of Lone Star Comics in Arlington, Texas, agrees with the comments made by fellow retailer Kathy Bottarini (see “Kathy Bottarini of Comic Box on the Comic Industry”):


Amen to Kathy's comments, which follow up on Dan Urazandi's comments.  Too many vanity press comics.  No need for graphic novels based on second or third string characters and innumerable near-DOA miniseries.  More self-contained stories for casual buyers (with maybe an industry-wide symbol on the cover to denote same).


And a move to less expensive paper stocks is absolutely in order.  Slick stocks are hard on the eye to begin with, and besides being more expensive than other paper options, slick stocks weigh more which needlessly add to shipping costs.


The suggestions Ms. Bottarini and Mr. Urazandi made are valid for any kind of economy, good or bad, and if pursued would give us a stronger comic market.

The opinions expressed in this Talk Back article are solely those of the writer, and not necessarily reflect the views of the editorial staff of ICv2.com.