In an amended complaint filed December 11th, Konami Digital Entertainment has alleged that Upper Deck is the source of the allegedly counterfeit Yu Gi Oh! TCG cards it found in packages distributed by Vintage Sports Cards (see “Counterfeit Yu Gi Oh! Rares”). In the original complaint, filed in October, Konami named Vintage as the distributor of the packages, but didn’t name Upper Deck as a defendant.
In the amended complaint, Konami says, “Plaintiffs recently obtained through discovery documents and testimony from defendant Vintage that identify Upper Deck as the source of the counterfeit ‘Rare Cards’ being re-packaged and sold by Vintage.” The amended complaint adds Upper Deck Company of
This information makes clearer the reasons behind Konami’s announcement that it was terminating its distribution relationship for the Yu Gi Oh! TCG at around the same time as the amended complaint was filed (see “Konami Takes over YGO TCG”).