The New York Comic Con has named indy comics pioneer and creator of the long-running Strangers in Paradise Terry Moore a “Guest on Honor” at the upcoming New York show, which will be held at the Javits Center from Feb. 6-8.  Moore, a longtime champion of the Comic Book Legal Defense Fund will be supporting the CBLDF by holding a seminar on Saturday afternoon and by offering a limited edition print commemorating his appearance at the show.  Moore’s visit is co-sponsored by Graphitti Designs and Moore will be available for signings at various times at the Graphitti Designs booth.


Visionary Comics Studio will be bringing famed pro wrestler-turned-comic book-cover artist Jerry “The King” Lawler to the NYCC.  On Friday from 1pm to 7 pm (times subject to change) Lawler will be signing copies of his comic book debut as the cover artist for Headlocked: The Tryout at the Turnbuckle Booth (#1266).  Visionary is also bringing the Convention Special Edition of the company’s first hardcover graphic novel release, The Frog Princess, a 160-page OEL shojo manga by Jeff Loew and Rie Ikaza.