Our article on Marvel COO Bill Jemas' latest (see 'Comic Wars Heating Up') brought this response from Robert Youngblood of the Age of Excalibur in Jonesboro, Georgia, who's 'irritated by Mr. Jemas' comment about small retailers.'



After reading the 'Comic Wars Heating Up' article, I am somewhat irritated by Mr. Jemas' comment about small retailers.


'Marvel CEO Bill Jemas takes shots at 'small' retailers with 'dirty, messy, and confusing' stores (according to Jemas, these are the retailers who don't understand and appreciate Marvel's policies)'


What's to understand?  Marvel wants us to over order their new comics in hopes that we will not be caught in squeeze if, 30 to 60 days later when the comics arrive, it turns out to be a hit.  To help us with this decision-making process, Marvel takes its time getting the comics out (Brotherhood) so that retailers are ordering issue #3 before #1 is showing any signs of sell-through. In the meantime, the 'no overprint' policy (including second printings) doesn't seem to apply to 'Special Printings' going to Wal-Mart stores.


All of this in a time when the current recession is not helping sales.

Maybe Mr. Jemas doesn't understand and appreciate the policies of running a small business.  Maybe Mr. Jemas would be willing to share some of the burden with a return policy for late and/or unsold comics.... oops! Guess that would be raining on someone's parade.....


Also, Mr. Jemas' reply to the class action suit filed by Brian Hibbs includes the statement; ' three days in which the industry as a whole can feel so much better for itself '.  Seems this a recurring theme from him. I, for one, feel good about our industry and question why he has a problem doing so.  Or, does he hope that by repeating this mantra, he will be seen as our 'Light in Time of Darkness'?   Whatever.


(The response to Hibbs that Youngblood was thinking of was actually Marvel EIC Joe Quesada's, not Jemas', see 'Quesada to Hibbs.')