Marvel has released information on its three-way competition between Marvel COO Bill Jemas, writer Peter David, and Marvel EIC Joe Quesada, now named 'U-Decide' (for the origins of this wild stunt, see 'Marvel Prexy in Smackdown with Scribe'). Each creator in the competition has a new series, starting with a #1 issue shipping September 18, and the books are in a competition to see which will survive.
The creative team on Marville #1, the Bill Jemas entry, includes penciler M.D. Bright and inker Paul Neary, and the return of the alternate foil cover, with Cover A by M.D. Bright, Foil Cover B by UDON, and Foil Cover C by Greg Horn. The blurb from Marvel is making us very afraid: 'Just imagine Bill Jemas creating the DC Universe! That's right, Marvel's own President introduces a hero for 2002! If you thought some of the things Jemas said before were crazy, just wait until you meet The Marvel!'
The Peter David book, Captain Marvel #1, will have artwork by ChrisCross, and its own set of three covers, with Cover A by ChrisCross, Alternate Painted Cover B by Joe Jusko, and Alternate Sketch Cover C by Alex Ross. Its blurb strikes a loftier tone, 'A new-reader-friendly beginning for Marvel's best-reviewed book! Okay, you know Captain Marvel is one of the most critically acclaimed titles in the entire industry -- and now Peter David and ChrisCross invite you to find out why! Big changes are coming for the son of Mar-Vell, and you can get in on the ground floor right here... when Cap goes crazy!'
And Ultimate Adventures #1, edited by Quesada, takes a low-key approach, with only one cardstock cover by Kaare Andrews. UA #1 will be written by Ron Zimmerman, with art by Duncan Fegredo. The blurb is likewise low-key by the standards of the stunt: 'The next Ultimate title! Get ready to meet two all-new additions to the ranks of the Ultimate Universe as [the creators] introduce Hawk-Owl and Zippy -- and present a touching look at the world of the super hero side-kick.'
The announcement also portends the climax of the stunt. 'The winner will stand in triumph... while the loser will face the firing squad at WizardWorld: Chicago! [2003?] The bet has been made. The pies and dunk tank await. Who will win? On September 18th U-Decide!' For pies and a dunk tank, there are probably retailers that would try to order negative quantities of the Jemas title.