Tommy Lee Edwards (The Question, Marvel 1985) has created a variant cover for Del Rey Comics’ The Talisman #2, which is due out on December 16th.  Edwards is a top flight illustrator with a resume that includes, in addition to comics, lots of book covers, advertising work, the style guide for Batman Begins, and concept art for the new Denzel Washington film The Book of Eli.


Massimo Carnevale, who is best known here in the States for his arresting covers for Y: The Last Man, is creating the standard covers for The Talisman (see “Massimo Carnevale Covers For The Talisman”).  Mike Krahulik of Penny Arcade, aka “Gabe” provided the variant cover for the first issue of The Talisman (see “Gabe Does The Talisman”).


Based on Stephen King and Peter Straub’s novel, The Talisman is Del Rey’s first attempt to create a periodical comic book series.  Steven Spielberg and Kathleen Kennedy have acquired screen rights to The Talisman, and they are currently developing it as TV series.