Top Shelf Productions has announced that it will be releasing five Swedish comic titles in April, including three full-length graphic novels and an anthology, as well as a full-color reference book. The graphic novels are Mats Jonsson’s Hey Princess, a 472-page graphic novel about young adults in the mid-1990s; Simon Gardenfors’ freeloader autobiography, The 120 Days of Simon; and Kolbeinn Karlsson’s fairy tale The Troll King. Along with From the Shadow of The Northern Lights, vol. 2, an anthology of comics from the magazine Galago, Top Shelf will also be re-offering its other two Swedish titles: Niklas Asker’s Second Thoughts, released in 2009 (See “Top Shelf’s Ambitious 2009 Slate”), and From the Shadow of The Northern Light, vol. 1.
To help readers learn more about
To celebrate the launch of the new titles, Top Shelf will also be hosting parties at MoCCA Festival in